Phototherapy is a form of medical treatment in which Ultraviolet light is used to treat certain skin conditions.
Light treatments provide a medical treatment called “phototherapy.” Under the care of a dermatologist and a nurse, phototherapy provides effective treatment for many people living with a range of skin conditions. Phototherapy is often the safest and best option for many skin conditions.
Healthcare professionals who are giving phototherapy are trained and competent in its use. All phototherapy equipment is safety-checked and maintained in line with local and national policy.
Patients with psoriasis and other light responsive conditions are treated with a variety of techniques in a manner which allows them to lead normal lives.
Many common dermatologic diseases are thought to be caused by a dysregulation of the skin's immune system. These disorders often improve upon exposure to natural sunlight, and in recent years physicians have discovered that ultraviolet light is the source of the sun's therapeutic effects. Ultraviolet light appears to block the aberrant immune mechanisms present in patients with particular cutaneous diseases, inducing a temporary or permanent partial or complete remission of symptoms.
Ultra violet radiation from artificial light sources has been used by dermatologists for almost 100 years and is a widely used and effective treatment for a number of skin disorders. Choice of UVB over other forms of light treatment depends on a wide range of factors including age, disease, skin type, previous therapy, current medication etc.
Phototherapy is useful in the treatment of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, pityriasis rosea, lichen planus, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL), and intractable itching. Exposure is directed towards the involved area of skin and can include total body, hand and foot or other specialized modalities.
Phototherapy is the use of light to treat skin disorders. The phototherapy unit emits specific wavelengths of light proven to benefit patients with various skin disorders.
DTPC offers different types of phototherapy, including:
- Narrow Band Ultraviolet B (NBUVB) phototherapy;
- Combination Ultraviolet A/B (UVA/B) phototherapy;
- Systemic Psoralen plus Ultraviolet A (PUVA);
- Hand and/ or foot phototherapy;
- Scalp phototherapy.
Narrowband ultraviolet light B (UVB) therapy:
Used to treat psoriasis and other light-responsive diseases. Narrow band UVB therapy treatments are administered in upright booths lined with special fluorescent light bulbs.
Treatment with narrow band UVB phototherapy can be given 3 or 2 times a week depending on patient preference. Response may be achieved quickly with treatment 3 times a week when receiving narrow band UVB.
PUVA or psoralen and ultraviolet A light therapy:
A therapy administered either topically or orally to treat psoriasis or other light-responsive disorders. Patients receive treatment of the entire body in either an upright booth or to specific, isolated areas of the body such as hands or feet.
Patient information:
All patients whilst receiving treatment may be requested to wear goggles to protect their eyes.
Men should wear underpants unless advised otherwise by the doctor or nurse.
UVB is safe to use in pregnancy.